This 10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates 
class has helped me to not 
give into age.

"I never thought 
I would get my mobility back by sitting 

in a chair!"

As a relatively inactive woman in her 60s, I was letting age get the best of me. 

My problems started with some aches, a few pains, and just snowballed from there until eventually everything became just so much harder. 

Like when something fell on the floor. To pick it up I’d awkwardly lower myself, trying not to bend over, then would use the cupboards for support to sort of crawl my way back up again.

I used to really love gardening, but eventually had to stop playing in the dirt because my joints would feel like someone lit them on fire every time I tried to plant a flower. 

It got to the point that all these aches and pains would keep me up at all hours of the night and I’d be groggy and grumpy the next day.

And going shopping? Forget about it. Even just 15 minutes of standing in line could mean an afternoon of laying in bed.

When the Grandkids came over, within minutes of playing with them I’d be out of breath, tired, and sometimes I’d even be sore the next day. I wanted to be the “fun” grandma… not the “couch” grandma. 

Thankfully, I eventually found this 10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates course.


Your Company Tagline

By Jean Davis

"It actually feels like I'm getting my life back."

Just by taking this course twice I’m already stronger, fitter, more flexible and can do all sorts of things I couldn’t before.

I finally told my daughter that she doesn’t need to get my groceries for me because I’m no longer bumping into things around the store and I can actually handle waiting at the cashiers. 

Even tidying up is so much easier—I can put the cups on the higher shelf without feeling any pain.

And I wake up refreshed every morning because I’m finally sleeping through the night (which is great for me, but even better for my husband lol) 

I’ve even started using the basement again! I can physically handle going up and down the stairs and I don’t worry about falling either. 

I was even becoming a bit more “reclusive” before. I was embarrassed when people would see me struggle to get out of my chair or need to take a breather after walking around the block. But now I’m confident and happy to be out and about.

But it’s not just my balance and mobility that I’m getting back… I have more energy and it’s given me the incentive to do more. I actually planted a flower garden again!

And the thing that brings me the most joy is that I can actually play with my Grandkids. It makes me so happy knowing that they’re going to have fun memories of spending time with their Grandma.

And that’s all because I decided to try this class.

Initially, I was a little apprehensive because I didn’t think my body could handle it and I didn’t want to hurt or injure myself. But ultimately, I went for it because my physiotherapist recommended chair Pilates… and it turns out they know what they are talking about! 😂

"These classes 
are completely doable. 
It totally nails 
the exercise needs of people my age."

Even though the exercises are simple and easy, they are extremely effective. It works gently, but firmly and even after a few days I was already feeling more flexible.

You can tell this was thoughtfully put together specifically for people like me with mobility issues. I’ve taken other classes that were beyond what I could do so I would get discouraged and quit. But with these—I’ve already taken them twice!

All of the movements are either standing by a chair or sitting on it. So, no crawling on the floor or trying to wrap your leg around your neck! It’s the perfect blend of challenging, yet achievable.

And each class is only 10 minutes a day.

Like, who can’t fit 10 minutes into their day? It also really helps that I don’t have to gather all my gym stuff, book a class, get to the studio, set up... and then struggle to keep up with the group on top of everything!

With this class, I get to go entirely at my own pace. 

It feels like I get more attention from this instructor than in some group classes I’ve taken. She anticipates problems and gives you different intensity levels for each exercise so that there’s always some version you’re capable of doing. 

Oh, and I should mention, Steph is such a delightful instructor. She explains things very clearly and joyfully and has a smile on her face every minute. I never worry that I’m doing an exercise wrong as she walks you step by step through it all. It’s very easy to follow along with. 

I will definitely be taking this course again and again! 

Many, many thanks to Better5—I can wholeheartedly recommend their 10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates course to anyone my age looking for gentle, but effective exercises that will give you your life back. 

Find out if the 
10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates 
class could help YOU with your healing, strength, and mobility too!


Rated 4.8 stars

Jean Davis is a 67 year old Grandmother, writer, and Better5 student from Michigan. She loves playing with her Grandkids, gardening, telling jokes, and

is currently planning to start a neighborhood walking group. 

"It actually feels like I'm getting my life back."

Just by taking this course twice I’m already stronger, fitter, more flexible and can do all sorts of things I couldn’t before.

I finally told my daughter that she doesn’t need to get my groceries for me because I’m no longer bumping into things around the store and I can actually handle waiting at the cashiers. 

Even tidying up is so much easier—I can put the cups on the higher shelf without feeling any pain.

And I wake up refreshed every morning because I’m finally sleeping through the night (which is great for me, but even better for my husband lol) 

I’ve even started using the basement again! I can physically handle going up and down the stairs and I don’t worry about falling either. 

I was even becoming a bit more “reclusive” before. I was embarrassed when people would see me struggle to get out of my chair or need to take a breather after walking around the block. But now I’m confident and happy to be out and about.

But it’s not just my balance and mobility that I’m getting back… I have more energy and it’s given me the incentive to do more. I actually planted a flower garden again!

And the thing that brings me the most joy is that I can actually play with my Grandkids. It makes me so happy knowing that they’re going to have fun memories of spending time with their Grandma.

And that’s all because I decided to try this class.

Initially, I was a little apprehensive because I didn’t think my body could handle it and I didn’t want to hurt or injure myself. But ultimately, I went for it because my physiotherapist recommended chair Pilates… and it turns out they know what they are talking about! 😂

"These classes are completely doable. 
It totally nails the exercise needs of people my age."

Even though the exercises are simple and easy, they are extremely effective. It works gently, but firmly and even after a few days I was already feeling more flexible.

You can tell this was thoughtfully put together specifically for people like me with mobility issues. I’ve taken other classes that were beyond what I could do so I would get discouraged and quit. But with these—I’ve already taken them twice!

All of the movements are either standing by a chair or sitting on it. So, no crawling on the floor or trying to wrap your leg around your neck! It’s the perfect blend of challenging, yet achievable.

And each class is only 10 minutes a day.

Like, who can’t fit 10 minutes into their day? It also really helps that I don’t have to gather all my gym stuff, book a class, get to the studio, set up... and then struggle to keep up with the group on top of everything!

With this class, I get to go entirely at my own pace. 

It feels like I get more attention from this instructor than in some group classes I’ve taken. She anticipates problems and gives you different intensity levels for each exercise so that there’s always some version you’re capable of doing. 

Oh, and I should mention, Steph is such a delightful instructor. She explains things very clearly and joyfully and has a smile on her face every minute. I never worry that I’m doing an exercise wrong as she walks you step by step through it all. It’s very easy to follow along with. 

I will definitely be taking this course again and again! 

Many, many thanks to Better5—I can wholeheartedly recommend their 10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates course to anyone my age looking for gentle, but effective exercises that will give you your life back. 

Find out if the 
10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates class 
could help YOU 
with your healing, strength, 
and mobility too!

Learn More Now

Jean Davis is a 67 year old Grandmother, writer, and Better5 student from Michigan. She loves playing with her Grandkids, gardening, telling jokes, and is currently planning to start a neighborhood walking group. 


Rated 4.8 stars

This 10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates class has helped me 
to not give into age.

"I never thought I would get my mobility back by sitting 
in a chair!"


By Jean Davis

As a relatively inactive woman in her 60s, I was letting age get the best of me. 

My problems started with some aches, a few pains, and just snowballed from there until eventually everything became just so much harder. 

Like when something fell on the floor. To pick it up I’d awkwardly lower myself, trying not to bend over, then would use the cupboards for support to sort of crawl my way back up again.

I used to really love gardening, but eventually had to stop playing in the dirt because my joints would feel like someone lit them on fire every time I tried to plant a flower. 

It got to the point that all these aches and pains would keep me up at all hours of the night and I’d be groggy and grumpy the next day.

And going shopping? Forget about it. Even just 15 minutes of standing in line could mean an afternoon of laying in bed.

When the Grandkids came over, within minutes of playing with them I’d be out of breath, tired, and sometimes I’d even be sore the next day. I wanted to be the “fun” grandma… not the “couch” grandma. 

Thankfully, I eventually found this 10 Day Gentle Chair Pilates course.